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Generic Cialis Soft Tabs

Generic Cialis Soft Tabs

Generic Cialis Soft Tabs is an oral drug used to treat male impotence. The Soft Tabs versions of the bestselling Generic Cialis absorb into your bloodstream quickly without losing their potency. They can be taken as little as 15 minutes before intercourse and last up to 36 hours.Generic Cialis Soft Tabs have the same active ingredient as brand name Cialis, and are equivalent in effect, strength and dosage.

20 mg

Pcs Price Per Pill You Save
10 Pcs
US$3.71 US$0.00
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20 Pcs
US$2.43 US$25.60
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30 Pcs
US$2.00 US$51.20
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60 Pcs
US$1.58 US$127.99
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90 Pcs
US$1.43 US$204.79
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120 Pcs
US$1.36 US$281.59
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180 Pcs
US$1.29 US$435.18
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270 Pcs
US$1.24 US$665.57
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360 Pcs
US$1.22 US$895.95
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40 mg

Pcs Price Per Pill You Save
10 Pcs
US$3.69 US$0.00
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20 Pcs
US$2.42 US$25.47
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30 Pcs
US$2.00 US$50.92
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60 Pcs
US$1.57 US$127.31
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90 Pcs
US$1.43 US$203.69
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120 Pcs
US$1.36 US$280.08
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180 Pcs
US$1.29 US$432.85
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270 Pcs
US$1.24 US$662.00
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360 Pcs
US$1.22 US$891.16
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Drug Name

Generic Cialis Soft Tabs

Drug Uses

Generic Cialis Soft Tabs are fast working and are widely used to treat male impotence- erectile dysfunction (ED) that is a common medical condition that affects the sexual life of millions of men.Generic Cialis Soft Tabs has the same active ingredient as brand name Cialis only works much faster, and is equivalent in effect, strength and dosage.

Drug Class Mechanism

The drug is identical to the brand name Cialis soft tabs and works to relax muscles and increases blood flow to the penis by using Sildenafil as a potent and selective phosphodiesterase inhibitor.

How It’s Taken

You can take the Generic Cialis soft tabs just 15 minutes before sexual intercourse and it remains active for up to 36 hours. The Generic Cialis soft tabs work faster since unlike other pills that must be absorbed through the digestive tract, this pill is absorbed through the cell walls under the tongue.

Missed Dose

Cialis Soft Tabs should be used when needed and therefore you are not likely to miss a dosage.

Delivery Costs

We offer FREE world wide shipping with regular airmail and we offer world wide shipping with Express mail for $14.95

Delivery Times

Regular airmail 14 - 21 business days. Express mail 5 - 9 business days. Packages are dispatched from our pharmacy within 2 business days.

Delivery Package

Products are sent to you in simple, discreet packages. You will be automatically notified by e-mail after products are sent out.

Payment Options

We currently accept Visa, MasterCard and bank wires. You will be notified via E-mail after payment is approved

Drug Name

Generic Cialis Soft Tabs

Ask Your Doctor

The generic Cialis Soft Tabs is safe just like any brand name erectile dysfunction drug.
Although this medication can help many people, not all men can safely take it.You should consult a doctor or pharmacist before taking Generic Cialis Soft Tabs to ensure that it is suitable for you and read the instructions provided

Side Effects

Just like any other medication, Cialis Soft Tabs or the active ingredient Tadalafil, has some common side effects: Headache, Flushing (face and upper body turning red and warm), Stomach upset, Runny nose (sniffles), Vision changes (things look blue), Urinary tract infections.
Headache is the most common side effect. Vision changes are the least common.

Don't Use

Before taking any medication you should always consult your doctor.
Talk to your doctor if you have any side effects that bother you and stop taking them immediately.


Cialis Soft Tabs like most medication pills require a dark cool storage to guaranty drugs quality for best results.

What Are Generic Drugs?

Most patients receiving prescriptions today are choosing to purchase generic drugs; A generic drug is a copy that is the same as a brand-name drug in dosage, safety, strength, how it is taken, quality, performance and intended use.

Why Are Generic Less Expensive Then Brand Medication?

Today, almost half of all prescriptions are filled with Generic medications are less expensive because generic manufacturers don’t have the investment costs of the developer of a new drug. New drugs are developed under patent protection. The patent protects the investment—including research, development, marketing, and promotion—by giving the company the sole right to sell the drug while it is in effect. As patents near expiration, manufacturers can apply to the FDA to sell generic versions. Because those manufacturers don’t have the same development costs, they can sell their product at substantial discounts. Also, once generic drugs are approved, there is greater competition, which keeps the price down.
Today, almost half of all prescriptions are filled with generic drugs..

How Are Generic Medication Made?

Generic firms have facilities comparable to those of brand-name firms. In fact, brand-name firms are linked to an estimated 50 percent of generic drug production. They frequently make copies of their own or other brand-name drugs but sell them without the brand name.

Are Generic Drugs Safe as Brand name?

"Since generic drugs generally sell for less than brand name drugs, many people falsely believe that generics must be inferior to brand-name products. Generic drugs contain exactly the same active ingredients as the brand-name drugs and are just as safe and effective."